Thursday, May 26, 2005

Boobs Take Care of Business

I am feeling really hardcore right now. I have been working out so much lately. I woke up this morning so sore, and then I ran 10 miles after class. It was awesome though, because after our run, I got a chocolate covered banana that was as delicious as food could be. I am still stoked for the marathon, but getting pretty nervous.

In other news, my hovercraft group is totally sexist. We had to get a new wind tunnel test stand welded at the machine shop. Two guys in my group went there, and they were told that it wouldnt happen. For some reason, the machine shop didnt want to weld for them. They then decided that they should send me. I told them that couldn't possibly make a difference, and it would be stupid to walk in with the same rod and platform and expect different results. Eventually they convinced me, and I went. I was escorted all over the shop until the welding guy was found. The other guy was like, "there is a young lady here to see you". The guy said he would weld it first thing in the morning and would do it free of charge. sweet. So I headed back to the lab, to face my professor who asked if it worked. For some reason I am a little embarrassed and my group still teases me.

Monday, May 23, 2005

Tequila = Bad

I'm never drinking again. Well, at least I am not going to have other people be in charge of my money in a Mexican bar. I spent the weekend in Rosarito at a formal. It was an interesting experience. Everyone there was super-coupley, so I felt left out a few times. But for the most part I drank. I was wasted by the time we got to San Diego, and don't remember crossing the border.

Normally, I control my drinking by only carrying a pre-determined amount of money with me. The first night, I ran out of money, and the bartender kept pouring me drinks anyway. I got sick. It was bad. I found my way down to the beach with some people and the coolest thing happened. This guy dressed in black walked out of the fog towards us. He spoke to D and said, "competition?" D said, "competition de bailar?" The dance contest began. The dark stranger busted out moves from before I was born, and D countered with a backward crabwalk. It was awesome.

The next day we had brunch, drank, then went to town to buy more liquor. We had 2 for 1 drinks at some place. I knocked over the table, broke glass, and got strawberry margarita all over my skirt. I met hot guys from AEPi Santa Barbara who were having their formal that night. I almost went. Then we drank more and headed to the pool. I was pushed in twice by N. I forgot to bring a towel, so headed back to the room soaking wet. That night we went to Papas & Beer. I think I brought around $150, and none was left over. I dont know what happened to it. There are pictures I dont remember taking, and I was telling anyone who hit on me that I was engaged (I bought a ring that day). It mostly turned out okay though, I made it back to the room and didnt do anything scandalous. Supposedly, when everyone got back to the room I was asleep and fell off the couch, without waking up. Amazing. I woke up and my body hurt. I had mardi gras beads, was still wearing my earrings, and my ID was still in my bra. I lost my sunglasses though.

Overall it was interesting. There were good and not-so-good experiences. I met some cool chicks and got a much needed vacation. I am so stoked that this quarter is almost over. Summer will be awesome. Until then, I gotta hit the books.


"No doy un fuck" -Tim
"I poured you guys some shots, but then I drank them." -also Tim

Monday, May 16, 2005

35 Bottles Later...

Last night was my 2nd quarterly wine tasting. As far as the turnout, it was as successful as the last tasting. We had 40 glasses, and ran out toward the end. In the morning I counted 35 empty wine bottles. I was surprised, since most of the climbers went to Bishop, and I knew a couple other friends that couldnt make it. I was behind the table pouring most of the time, which was totally cool with me. That way, I get to say hello to everyone, without being obligated to talk to anyone for a long period of time.

I got drunk pretty quickly. I havent been drinking as much so my tolerance is much lower. Also, that day I ran 9 miles in awful heat. Interestingly, that night my roomate discovered I have my tongue pierced. We have only been living together for nine months. The night before the tasting, I had a dream that my two favorite wine glasses were broken. Throughout the night, I was super paranoid that someone would break a nice glass. Only one glass was broken, and it wasnt one I am emotionally attached to. And this time I didnt break any glasses while washing dishes. sweet.

Also, this guy, TF, that I have a crush on made an appearance. I was very surprised that he came. He showed up close to three hours late. By then I was wasted. The worst part is, that Ro knew he was coming. If I had known I would have stayed more sober. The rumor is that he came straight from the airport. If so, thats crazy cool. I have no idea what I talked about with him, but I hope it wasnt terribly embarrassing. I am so awkward when I first get to know guys. But, if they make it past that, they figure out how awesome I am.

One month til summer...

Thursday, May 12, 2005

Missing Mommy

Last Sunday was Mothers Day. My mother was unreachable, since she was on a cruise through the panama canal. I didnt get to speak to her for 15 days, and normally I talk to her daily. She sent out an email saying how humid it was off the coast of Cuba and how she was sore from her massage. I felt like crying for her. I selfishly have been working on school stuff and slinging coffee drinks for Santa Monica snobs. But seriously, I cant wait until I have expendable income.

Well, actually, I feel a little guilty. Yesterday I spent $220 on a purse. I have never been so girly and self-indulgent. It's really cute though. My roomate encouraged me to buy it, I doubt I would have done it alone. But I dont blame her, I totally made the decision. And it's really cute.

In other news, I wrote my first scene. It was for my theater class. It was performed today, and people said they liked it. I think I will write more. It was very therapuetic, since it was loosely based on an actual incident. Also, since last wednesday when I was in the first kissing scene of the quarter, there have been three more scenes. It's craziness. I'm a little buzzed and should do some work before bed. Hooray for $3 long islands.

Saturday, May 07, 2005

Cinco de Tequila

Yesterday was cinco de mayo. It was also the day Ro outdrank me. Crazy I know, but it happened. It all began innocently enough. We went to Burbank to see a very talented and hot musician, TF, play at a restaurant/brewery. It was me, Ro, and C. We had the most adorable gay waiter that sat down and chatted with us for awhile. TF took a break and came over to our table with his roomate. He hung out for a bit, then went back to play, leaving his roomate with us. We had a very uncensored conversation in front of the roomate, which worries me slightly. After his set, TF came over again, we chatted for awhile, and then they walked us out. TF gave me a hug and complimented my hair/earrings/toenails/giddup. He didnt ask for my phone number. My friends think he is interested in me, but I refuse to give out my number without a request, or ask for his number. Anyhow, I had two beers at dinner, Ro had one.

We got back to my apt and Ro made me take four shots of tequila in about 10 minutes with her. We had a beer on the walk to my friend's apt. Once we got to J's place, we had another shot, and another beer. And then I was wasted. And then I got sick. gross. Somehow, Ro was fine soon after and drove home. What the hell?! I drank a fifth on my 21st! Ro used to be wasted after one beer! What alternate universe am I in?

Anyhow, everything else is going well. Marathon training is hardcore, but very rewarding. I am very excited for the marathon, and even more so for summer.

Tuesday, May 03, 2005

Cravin' Ta-tas

It doesnt fit my personality, but I really want a boobjob. My new roomie is super nice, and has an amazing rack that she paid for. She has broad shoulders like me, and her breasts look great.

I dont wear jewelry unless its a special occasion. I dont wear makeup everyday, and when I do, its minimal. I dont wax anything but my eyebrows. I dont get highlights or anything 'lasered'. I dont go to tanning salons. I am athletic and can spend extended periods of time in the outdoors. And yet, I still want larger breasts.

I dont know if it will every happen, but I want them. Every guy has said they dont like them and not to get them. But guess what; they arent for you anyhow. Deciding not to do something because of what other people say, is as ridiculous as doing something because other people want you to.

Anyhow, I should get back to studying or whatever (my after-work beer and adult swim).


"Studying is like cheating" - Brian with the cool canine teeth