Monday, May 23, 2005

Tequila = Bad

I'm never drinking again. Well, at least I am not going to have other people be in charge of my money in a Mexican bar. I spent the weekend in Rosarito at a formal. It was an interesting experience. Everyone there was super-coupley, so I felt left out a few times. But for the most part I drank. I was wasted by the time we got to San Diego, and don't remember crossing the border.

Normally, I control my drinking by only carrying a pre-determined amount of money with me. The first night, I ran out of money, and the bartender kept pouring me drinks anyway. I got sick. It was bad. I found my way down to the beach with some people and the coolest thing happened. This guy dressed in black walked out of the fog towards us. He spoke to D and said, "competition?" D said, "competition de bailar?" The dance contest began. The dark stranger busted out moves from before I was born, and D countered with a backward crabwalk. It was awesome.

The next day we had brunch, drank, then went to town to buy more liquor. We had 2 for 1 drinks at some place. I knocked over the table, broke glass, and got strawberry margarita all over my skirt. I met hot guys from AEPi Santa Barbara who were having their formal that night. I almost went. Then we drank more and headed to the pool. I was pushed in twice by N. I forgot to bring a towel, so headed back to the room soaking wet. That night we went to Papas & Beer. I think I brought around $150, and none was left over. I dont know what happened to it. There are pictures I dont remember taking, and I was telling anyone who hit on me that I was engaged (I bought a ring that day). It mostly turned out okay though, I made it back to the room and didnt do anything scandalous. Supposedly, when everyone got back to the room I was asleep and fell off the couch, without waking up. Amazing. I woke up and my body hurt. I had mardi gras beads, was still wearing my earrings, and my ID was still in my bra. I lost my sunglasses though.

Overall it was interesting. There were good and not-so-good experiences. I met some cool chicks and got a much needed vacation. I am so stoked that this quarter is almost over. Summer will be awesome. Until then, I gotta hit the books.


"No doy un fuck" -Tim
"I poured you guys some shots, but then I drank them." -also Tim


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