Friday, April 08, 2005

More Snow??!

I have seen more snow this spring break than the rest of my life combined. Seriously. Since the last post, I spent a couple of days up north with my family. I took my little brothers to the beach and had a nice dinner with my family. Sadly, I forgot my ID and couldn't have wine with my excellent swordfish. My stepdad ordered veal. Upon seeing my reaction to this choice, my brother, Rob (nearly 20 yrs old), said, "Arent baby cows cute? and dead". My 13 year old brother now has a deep voice and purchased the sports illustrated swimsuit issue. weird.
The last week of my spring break was spent in Yosemite. I drove down there wiht a female friend of min, Sani. A bunch of climbers from UCLA claimed they were going to be there, but I suspect they flaked when they heard it would be cold weather. wimps. we stayed at camp 4, the climbers camp. Except this time, there were lots of families and other non-climbers staying there.

The night we arrived it was snowing and raining. We met some cool climbers who attempted to build us a fire with damp twigs and stolen embers. Beer was had. The next day we hiked the upper falls trail. we hiked up about four miles before we tired of all the snow. It was steep and crossed lots of small waterfalls. That night we hung out with a group of about 10 fraternity guys, drinking beer and whiskey, and playing cards. The next day we went for a run, and had intentions of yoga. In reality, Sani took a nap, and I attempted a climb. That night was super fun. These climber guys took us to the 5.2-5.10 boulder. It is supposedly 5.2 on the way up, and 5.10 on the way down (due to darkness and drunkenness). I had forgotten stars existed, which sucks for an ex-president of the astronomy club. That night we shared jokes, played poker, and you guessed it: drank beer.

I decided climber guys are exponentially more hot than snowboarder guys. Also, this spring break I have found myself attracted to a different type of guy. There was one guy in mammoth and one in yosemite who are very similar. They are both very good-looking, loud, aggressive, sexist, exchanged witty banter, and for some reason were attracted to me. I must have a competitive fire in me, because I love when a male challenges me. These are not the type of guys I would normally date. One of them actually thought that if I saw his defined pecs and rock hard abs I would be more likely to hook up with him. He obviously read me incorrectly. When he mentioned he had a six pack, I was hoping he meant beer.

Overall, it was an awesome vacation. I drove about 32 hours total. I feel refreshed, have a hint of a tan, and am in a great mood. I love spring quarter. I am always very motivated to be healthy and enjoy life.

Best way to choose a DD: eleven card war. Also, salsa is vastly improved with tequila in it.

Childrens books that didnt make it:
The Sissy that Snitched
Your Nightmares are Real
Strangers Have the Best Candy
Grandpa Gets a Casket
Daddy Drinks Because You Cry


Blogger Robert said...

At least it isn't more rain. Us Missourians have had more than our fair share so far.

So let me get this right... Rock Climbers > Snow Boarders = Hot guys? Sounds like you enjoyed yourself.

You cracked me up about the six-pack not being his abs part.

7:07 AM  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

woah- I just found this post on google blogger- pretty amazin'!! that was a fun weekend and now it's alllll comin back to me =)

6:07 PM  

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