Wednesday, November 29, 2006

Opening Doors

There are a few (actually several) social instances that make me feel awkward, including, riding the elevator with others, having my personal bubble invaded by a close-talking French professor, and having doors opened for me. The door thing is always weird. I mean, if a person opens one door for you, are they going to open the next one? Some door situations:

1. when walking in the same direction as someone who opens a door for me, I usually speed up the pace so I wont have to attempt to figure out if they are going to open the next door for me. In addition, it is very awkward when people who are walking a good distance ahead of me hold open the door for an uncomfortable amount of time.

2. when walking in the opposite direction it awkward when the person has to pull the door toward them. If you are already at the door, they usually let you go first, but you have to walk past them, which is weird.

3. when walking in the same direction, the person walks through the door and reaches back to hold the door open. People always look uncomfortable doing this... I dunno, I am a fan of giving the door a hearty push behind me and if they don't catch it in time, they can open their own door...

I guess I would rather think about the oddness of chivalry than how stupid I feel every day of grad school...

Quote: "My heart is for my family. My brains and balls are for business." - dude from Cinderella Man


Anonymous Anonymous said...

from the other side...
its also uncomfortable deciding if you should hold a door for someone. it can seem sexist. these days, i just try to make a point that i am not shutting the door in their faces.

7:04 PM  

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