Saturday, January 27, 2007

Ode to My Cubicle

For the past four months I have had the most amazing cubicle all to myself. It is spacious, has a locking door, and cabinets that light up beneath them.

Dear Awesome Cubicle:

I will miss you greatly. You displayed my name proudly outside your door. You let me change clothes with ease and take naps on your floor. I will miss the late nights and weekends we spent together. I loved being able to write post-its and put them all over without worrying about people thinking I am going crazy. You housed my food (microwave rice noodle soup and clifbars), my energy drinks, my quarterly goals, and my weekly plan. It just wont be the same without you...


P.S. when I pass by on the way to my new cubicle, four cubicles down the row, you should remember: my new cubicle will never compare.

Tuesday, January 16, 2007


I am starting to get back in the swing of things, after a trip up north, two trips to vegas, and a camping trip to J tree.

I am currently frustrated with the gym in the month of January. It takes about 30 min to get a treadmill or bike. I am patiently waiting for everyone to break their new years resolutions so I can work out without stress again...

I always know what day it is, since besides the two calandars I normally have, my mother gave me THREE calandars for xmas...

My nuclear class is the first class I've had where I am the only girl...

After watching an episode of scrubs where JD dates a 'drama queen', I fear that I crave some drama as well...


"If you ate rocks, you could live here forever" - someone on J tree

"Get out of my butt" - K on the way to vegas