Random Thoughts
Currently I am watching Aqua Teen. I spend about 25 hours a week in a lab doing the most boring work possible (like counting bacteria cells), and I can only get paid for 10 hours a week. I havent found an apartment for September yet. My roomate/best friend (R) and I fight often about the stupidest things (like her bf). I no longer hold any expectations for males, since they are endlessly dissapointing. I am beyond broke and have resorted to eating ghetto food, such as cans of tuna and peas. Its nearly August and I have very few fun summer stories to share. How did my life get like this? I need to start studying for the GRE and thinking about grad school apps. Do I want to pursue a PhD? I am so unmotivated. I drink most nights, but I ran out of beer, so I am currently sober. I crave a game of poker. I am going to open a good bottle of wine and not think about all this annoying serious life stuff. I hope your summer is going well!