Thursday, November 18, 2004

Hi Ho Hi Ho

Its been a crazy fall quarter, with the three jobs and all. Everyone asks me, "why on Earth do you have three jobs?". I would say its a combination of boredom, credit card debt, and perks. I have worked at the rockwall since I was a freshman. It has always been a fairly chill situation and its in between classes. This quarter at the wall hasnt been as fun, since my arm is still healing. Its kind of depressing to have to be there three days a week and not be able to climb. And then I see a cut, shirtless guy, cranking on a burly crux, and I dont feel so bad.
I have worked at REI for nearly a year now. Retail sucks. I hate having to commute to answer stupid questions and dealing with customers who want me to touch their feet. Eight hours of retail is equivalent to eternity. I like the people I work with, and the fact that we are a cooperative. But, with that, comes 'sensitive' values. I had to have a mediated chat with a supervisor about 'communication issues'. I dont deal well with emotional touchy-feely drama (probably good I'm single), and definitely dont have time/tolerance for it these days. On the other hand, free backpacks and killer discounts make my day.
My newest and main job is at Anastasias Asylum. The hours are ideal (7 or 8pm til 2amish) and tips are nice (but minimal). The other night I had to kick out a drunk homeless lady, but that comes with Santa Monica. And I thought all the weirdos were in the valley... My manager, David, is a Brit, who manages to offend most everyone. Its very entertaining. We have live music, art, and lots of actors/screenwriter customers; a nice contrast to the depths of Boelter. advice from coffee connoisseur: decaf is a waste of money.

"We got lowfat, we got nonfat, but no more Arafat." an English scorpio

"Are you an athlete, or do you just like water?" ASUCLA employee

"Wait, you have a female professor?!" Schopf

"Youre an engineering major, youre not supposed to have fun. Youre supposed to go home and study." Patrick upon hearing I chose poker over aircraft propulsion

P.S. I am about 85% sure I know who wrote that anonymous post. well, maybe more like 70% sure. Actually, its more like an educated guess.

Monday, November 08, 2004

Blonde vs Redhead

I promise every post won't be like this one and 'Chaste in LA'. I base entries by what is going on in my I dont really choose. Anyhow, I have always been a blonde, until last Friday. When I woke up Friday morning I had no intention of making such alterations to my appearance, yet somehow found myself near a drugstore, and thought I would go for it. I had been meaning to dye my hair darker, but always grew timid when actually considering the change. I had always been concerned that it may turn out unsatisfactory and I would be unable to return to the original color. I guess now I just dont care as much. Hair seems trivial compared everything else going on in my life.
Well, the reviews have been good. I am undecided as to if I like it; I was going for something darker and less red. I thought that I would get less attention with darker hair, but the opposite has occured. Friday night at Maloney's, a MTV casting recruiter approached me about being on a new dating show. I looked behind me for a second, and then asked, "are you talking to me?". The guy responded, "yeah, I think you're hot." I dont think I am particularly unattractive, but definitely dont consider myself an MTV, los angeles sort of hot. I am sort of opposed to the dating show idea, but money is always good, so I may schedule the interview.
Also, today, this guy in my aircraft propulsion class who I have never spoken to, said, "looking good!" as he passed by my seat. weird. I am not really a fan of this sort of attention, so may consider 'mousy brown' as my next hair color.
Apparently I have quirky taste in men also. At the rockwall, I mentioned that the guy on the elliptical machine was cute, and the guys totally made fun of me. Corrine enters, so they ask her to rate him numerically (from 1 to 10) and share the first word that comes to mind. She responds with '5' and 'gay'. I would think that people would want there to be different standards of 'attractive'. Not everyone is a barbie or ken look-alike, nor would I desire them to be. Someone has to think lanky guys with glasses are hot. As well as every other 'type'. Just for the record, I dont really have a 'type', every guy I have dated has been extremely different. I am dissapointed that even laid back climbers are somewhat superficial. Also, sweatervests on guys are awesome.

Sunday, November 07, 2004

Chaste in LA

Rudolph: "So is your boyfriend into football also?"
me: "however surprising, I am the only single person working here."
Rudoph: "oh, weird."

So, I dont mean to sound like Carrie Bradshaw, but I never realized how single I am. I am not a Sex in the City fanatic, but if I had to compare myself to a cast member, I would say I am a cross between Miranda and Samantha, with Charlotte's style. Oh, and the hottest character on Friends, is Ross. Now that that's out of my system, I always considered college to be a very 'single' period of one's life. Currently, I am the only single member of my apartment, and the only single employee at Anastasia's. I never really thought about my lack of a significant other until very recently.
I will not claim to know a lot about relationships. My most successful relationship was open and long-distant (is that even considered a relationship?). Previously, I even described myself as committment-phobic. My attitude towards many things is often described as 'masculant', relations with the opposite sex included. I have attempted the 'friends with benefits' situation, and it doesn't work very well. My lack of emotional involvement always seems to attract interest from a male. A coworker of mine, Melissa, and I propose that perhaps men are attracted to the cool and uninterested female that either ignores them, or is borderline rude to them. I hope that our hypothesis is false. Otherwise, the first graders who tease their crushes have already figured out the game of love.
So where are you supposed to find something substantial? Supposedly, we should not look at all. Some of my friends are into meeting people at bars. I think this is quite possibly the worst place to meet someone. First of all, most guys in bars are looking for one-night stands. I am of the opinion that random hookups are very empty and leave much to be desired. Also, in my experience, conversation in bars is extremely shallow and occasionally shady. Even if your soulmate were at the same bar and you met them, chances are, they are completely wasted and acting like an idiot. I enjoy hanging out with friends at a bar, but if you are looking to chat with strangers the whole time, please don't invite me.
I hope I have not made it seem like I am opposed to a committed situation. If both people are comfortable with themselves and enjoy each others company (beyond sex), then a healthy relationship is possible. I am only critical of the maturity of most people our age in regard to the opposite sex. This critism comes from having many friends make comments about the other gender (living with guys for a year and a half helped also).
After arguing with her boyfriend on the phone, Melissa said, "you are lucky to be single." Perhaps she is correct; I don't deal well with emotional drama and am attracted to sensitive men. Whatever the case, I must now find another distraction to midterm studying. A bottle of cab is waiting to be opened...