The question of finals week Natasha an alcoholic hobo? Can this woman be leading a double life, one as an active, social, UCLA student; and one as a wino?
A classmate of mine, gave me a bottle of wine as a thank you, for letting him take my notes to kinko's before every exam. This alone is not a rare occurance. Every year for my birthday since I turned 17, I have recieved alcohol from somebody (silver Patron this year).
Here is a recent conversation with my mother regarding our annual (famous) holiday party:
"do you want to bartend this year? Because otherwise I will hire somebody."
"yeah, I'll bartend."
"we'll pay you."
"that's not neccessary. I enjoy doing it. I will do like last year, and bartend until I am too wasted to."
"okay, well, we will pay you in wine then."
So, the possibility of alcoholism exists...but what's with the homeless reference? When I told the bartending conversation to my roomate, she said, "you know, natasha, bums work for alcohol." When Marni first visited my room this week, she saw a backpacking picture of Sean and I leaning over a pot of pea soup. I told her about how awesome that birthday backpacking trip was, and how close of a friend Sean is to me. She responded with, "you look like you're homeless". Perhaps I will start singing 'Day-o' in the streets of Westwood.
"Are there a lot of freaks like you in California?" -'Little John', a Bostonian, in repsonse to my green party/vegan-ness.
"did you guys know there are trees in north campus? I just saw some." -Sevan, my aircraft propulsion TA.
"you are like [our professor], I bet you only date art majors." -Patrick
"half your stories start with, 'I was really wasted...'" -Ranger