Thursday, June 22, 2006

Fun in Idaho?! Hell Yeah!

I've been having a blast in Idaho. I am starting to like my job, even if it involves long hours and waking up early. It's very materials-based, which is awesome. The best part is that I work with a bunch of fun guys, who make me laugh often. They also laugh at me often. About 6am my first day on the bus to the site there was a crazy lightening storm. I haven't really seen lightening like that before and was totally entranced. Just about when all the engineers start to fall asleep, I acidentally say outloud, "woah!". Lately I have full-on ran into the desk and was offered medical assistance, hit my head on the bus, and said some silly stuff. A couple of the guys started a quote list by me. The list includes:

"What do potatoes look like?" (i meant above ground....)

"I didn't know Nebraska was next to Wyoming until I saw my shower curtain last night."

"But everyone else got highlighters!"


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