Sunday, October 31, 2004

All I Want for Christmas....

Every year my family asks me to send them a christmas list. Usually I say I dont really need anything. This year, there are a few things that would make a life a little better.

1. basic speakers for my car (currently, one out of four speakers work, which makes music inaudible on the freeway).
2. my car's passenger door to work, or to be entered into MTV's Pimp My Ride. Either would be satisfactory.
3. to be jewish...(anyone get the irony?).
4. an eigth or a bong. Sounds improbable, but have got illegal substances as gifts before...
5. laundry/maid service for the rest of the school year. Still havent got used to the 'cleaning' thing.
6. a trip to jamaica; looking for an excuse to dread my hair.
7. better penmanship.
"are you interested in any of our services?"
me: "like what?"
"well, I have only seen you write your name, but I'm thinking, notetaking?"

hmm, thats about it for now, may come up with more later.


classmate: "wow, this character is perfect for you!"
me: "yeah, shes crazy and depressive..."


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