Sunday, May 23, 2004

A Blast From The Past

So I had an old friend, Jenny, visit me this weekend. It was crazy fun. On Friday we attended PiKapp's battle of the bands. I picked up J in the ghetto, near Union Station. I arrived early, and had to wait in my car for about 20 minutes at McDonald's across the street. It was super scary. I saw many homeless guys on crack leering at me. I was also blessed enough to see a real-live prostitute, all of her breasts and half of her ass, obese, disturbing. When J finally arrived, we headed towards the El Rey. I was not drinking that night, unusual I know, so I was very hyperactive. We created some awesome new dance moves to supplement the classics, such as the 'sprinkler' and the 'shopping cart'. My favorite new one is my "What is it? It's my hand!", ask me for a demonstration sometime, its going to be big in the clubs.
Saturday we went climbing at Malibu Creek with a bunch of rock wall people. It was super fun, except for the parts where I almost died. We jumped off high rocks into the swimming hole. I suck at diving apparently, had very ungraceful jumps, and one time hit my ass on the bottom of the pond. While chillin' on a rock, some rock cowboy threw a rope down and it hit me in the face. Soon after, I went to take down my rope anchor and decided to scramble up the rocks, instead of hiking up the path. Near the top, one of the rocks I used as a hold, came out of the hill and an avalanche of dirt blinded me. Luckily, a couple of friends were nearby and pulled me up. So I survived.
In celebration of life, J and I headed to Westwood to party after an awesome dinner at Macaroni Grill. We never left the preparty location though, except to make a chaser run. We played a drinking game (river or something) with cute Jewish boys, and then eventually strip Indian poker (high card). I do not recommend this method of play to anyone else, its very rapid, although entertaining for an ADD kid like me. I drank more than planned (surprising) and got a whole 1.5 hours of sleep before driving J to the station. Then I had to work 8 hours at REI, during our biggest sale of the year. Fun stuff. Well, I got some rocket propulsion homework to do. More honest reporting to come.


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